How to Deal with Tantrums in School


The problem of child tantrums does not only have the potential to occur in children aged 2 - 3 years. Age 4 - 6 years when children have started sitting in school also still have the potential to tantrum. So, what kind of ways to overcome child tantrums at school can we do?

There are several ways that can be done to overcome child tantrums at school and on this occasion, we will discuss it in detail for you. Check it out!

1. Introduce the school environment

The saying goes that if you don't know, you don't love. Therefore, first introduce the school environment to the child a few days or even a few weeks, before he starts school. Inform the child where he/she will be learning with the teacher and playing with his/her friends.

Try to give pleasant information about school conditions to your child so that they are not afraid to start school.

2. Inform the school objectives

In addition to introducing the school environment, also inform him about the purpose of school. The purpose of school is to learn, not to play.

So, tell the child that what to do when he/she starts going to school is to study and complete the tasks given by the teacher before playing. Usually when the child knows the purpose of going to school, it can also be one of the effective ways to overcome child tantrums at school.

3. Take your child to school

A child's first day of school is a tough day for him or her. So, make sure parents are always by their side. It's okay to take your child to school, especially if the school is far away.

However, avoid waiting for your child at school so that they can try to finish school on their own because it is impossible for parents to always wait for their children when they go to school. If the child does not want to be left behind, try to give the child a reason why parents cannot wait for them at school.

For example, you can say something like this to your child.

"My Dear, you can't wait at school because parents can't wait for their children at school. If you have something to tell me, tell me after school. Mommy will pick you up when you get home from school, now you study well with your teachers and friends first."

Always encourage your child when they are about to start their day at school. Also, instil positive thoughts in your children so that they are never afraid to go to school.

4. Teach children to be independent

Independent means not relying on others and believing in one's own decisions and steps. So, teach your children to live independently and not depend on their parents, teachers, or friends.

Make sure parents teach their children to be independent long before they start school. However, parents should still control their children, ask how they are doing at school, and also ask about their difficulties.

If there are difficulties that children cannot overcome, parents should also not close their eyes and should always try to provide solutions to children according to their capacity.

5. Provide information on rules and restrictions at school

Usually, the child will have a tantrum on the first day of school until the third day when the parents will step away.

When this happens, as a way to overcome child tantrums at school, make sure that parents provide information about the rules and restrictions at school. If possible, make sure the information about the rules and restrictions at school is given long before the child starts school.

By understanding the rules and restrictions, children will usually be more obedient and less prone to tantrums at school.

6. Appreciate if the child does not tantrum

When parents get reports from teachers or even from the child themselves that the child is behaving well at school, learning calmly, and not tantruming, parents should give appreciation to the child.

Appreciation can take many forms, from verbal praise, by saying, "You did a good job today. Congratulations on finishing today, hopefully tomorrow you can learn even better. Keep up the good work at school."

In addition, appreciation can also be in the form of taking him for a walk, giving him the toy he wants, or giving him the food he likes. Also, inform the child that what parents give is a reward for the child who has studied well at school, so the child will know the reason why parents give him something he likes or wants and can be more excited.

Those are some ways to overcome child tantrums at school that parents can do. Hopefully it will be information that brings benefits and inspires.


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