How to Educate ADHD Children Appropriately
How to educate ADHD children is not the same as how to educate children in general. But before we get into that, let's talk about ADHD itself. So, what is ADHD?
ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a condition characterized by an individual's inability to focus or concentrate, often accompanied by hyperactivity. Without proper education and understanding, this condition can deteriorate. For the appropriate methods to educate someone with ADHD, please refer to the subsequent review.
What are the characteristics of a child with ADHD?
So, what is the way to educate them?
1. Apply a special rule
Many parents find it difficult to educate children with ADHD. ADHD children have difficulty listening and paying attention to speech, so written therapy can be an option.
Make and give understanding to the child in writing so that he can read it and put it in places that he often reaches, or he often sees so that it is easy to remember.
2. Create a disciplined routine
Start encouraging your child to always pay attention to the routine and try to be disciplined with the existing routine. You can start writing down what your child has to do from waking up to resting at night.
Creating a schedule or routine can make children feel calmer in doing everything.
3. Keep the child away from anything distracting
ADHD children will get angry and tend to have difficulty concentrating if something makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable. Therefore, keep the child away from something that is considered disturbing.
For example, if a child has difficulty concentrating in a crowded place or in a place with a noisy room, then how to educate ADHD children can be by inviting children to study in a place where there is no noise so that they can concentrate. For example, in a room or in a spacious study area.
4. Reward him for his success
Whatever the child's success and even the smallest thing he does, make sure you always give rewards. But remember, reward them for their success now, not in the future because ADHD children generally only want to think about what is happening now, not what will happen in the future.
For example, if your child successfully complies with the planned activity today, you can reward him with a toy that he likes for his small success.
Avoid rewarding students when they get to the top of their class, let alone promising it. It won't work because they generally learn from what happened today, not what they want in the future. That's the difference between the mindset of children in general and children with ADHD. So mum has to understand it.
5. Avoid being overprotective
Every parent wants to ensure that their child's future is secure. But that doesn't mean being overprotective is justified. Continue to teach children to live independently and not depend on parents for the problems they face.
6. Help children discover their talents
Many children with ADHD are ostracized for being different. In fact, they are often ostracized from their own siblings. Even though ADHD children with their limitations also have talents.
Parents must be able to explore the potential that exists within the child. Usually, ADHD children who put on an interest will constantly want to do what they are interested in. That's where parents can start honing and informing the child's talent.
7. Avoid overly demanding behaviour
Parents of ADHD children should be aware of their child's limitations. Don't force what you want on your child. ADHD children may often experience ups and downs, which is normal because of their inability to adapt and be consistent.
So just let your child grow up with his own personality while always guiding him to a better path. Motivate and encourage your child to do something useful because when it's hard for a child to be consistent, motivation and encouragement to keep moving is what can be an asset for him to always learn new things.
This concludes the brief information we can offer on educating children with ADHD. We hope this serves as beneficial and inspiring guidance.
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