Setting a Sleep Schedule for Children Under 3 Years Old


Many parents acknowledge the challenge of staying up late with children under three years old. While this is common, it doesn't mean it's insurmountable. There are strategies to organize a child's sleep schedule that can be implemented.

This approach is successful in instilling discipline in children under 3 years old regarding their sleep schedules. What methods can be implemented? Here is the information!

1.Establish a consistent sleep schedule

The practice of parents indirectly establishing their children's bedtime can lead to a pattern of repeated sleep schedules. If parents frequently allow their children to stay up past 10 o'clock, or even later into the night, it is not surprising if the children develop a preference for sleeping late and struggle to fall asleep promptly.

Therefore, start to implement a consistent sleep schedule. If you really want your child not to like to sleep until late at night, then prevent them from doing activities close to their bedtime.

Likewise, nap time needs to be regulated. Don't let them nap for too long. In addition, parents must also set an example for children on how to be disciplined with their bedtime.

2. Create a comfortable sleeping atmosphere

Beyond maintaining consistent bedtimes for children, it's also important to consider their sleeping environment. Ensure that you create a comfortable atmosphere conducive to your child's sleep.

Make sure the child's room is in a clean condition before bedtime, set the lights so that they are not too bright or use a special bed lamp so that he can be more comfortable and sleep soundly. If the child really likes to be accompanied by his sleep, accompany him first until he really dares to sleep alone.

Or if children like to read fairy tales before bedtime, at the age of under 3 years old these activities are very effective in making children fall asleep quickly. Another good thing that can be obtained by reading fairy tales before bed to children is to make their brains well stimulated.

3. Make sure your child isn't afraid before bedtime

Still related to the sleep atmosphere, how to manage a child's sleep schedule that also needs to be understood is to find out how your child can sleep. If your child likes to sleep with bright lights, give him a bright light first. Later it can be gradually replaced with dim lights to make sleep better.

Most importantly, find out how to make him dare to sleep. If necessary, parents can ask their children directly what kind of sleep they want.

Avoid reading horror stories or inviting them to watch horror and mystery movies because it has the potential to remind them of what they have just heard and watched so that the child cannot sleep.

4. Set the child's mealtime

Don't let the child's stomach be empty when going to sleep, because this will make his body restless and sleep uncomfortable.

Do not make the child full before going to bed because it results in two conditions between the child being full so that he falls asleep quickly but has an impact on obesity, or because the child is full, he will have trouble sleeping because his stomach is full.

It's a good idea to feed your child 2 or 3 hours before bedtime. This time is ideal because the child will not be too full or too hungry when bedtime comes.

5. Avoid the habit of sleeping in the afternoon

If it's not time to go to bed, avoid putting him to sleep. It's a good idea to invite him to do fun activities so that the child will not get sleepy before bedtime.

If he likes football, it doesn't hurt for parents to take the time to invite their children to play football in the afternoon. Or if your child likes to ride a bicycle, it doesn't hurt to also accompany your child on a bicycle ride in the afternoon.

Besides preventing her from napping in the afternoon, these activities are very beneficial for keeping the body healthy. Since they become tired after engaging in afternoon activities, children are able to sleep more soundly at night.

6. Enhance your exposure to morning sunlight.

Increasing children's exposure to sunlight in the morning can in fact help improve the quality of children's sleep.

Exposure to morning sunlight is beneficial not only for vitamin D absorption, which promotes a healthier body, but also for enhancing the quality of children's sleep at night, significantly impacting their daily activities.

Here are the ways to manage a child's sleep schedule that every mom should know. Best wishes on implementing the above tips and enjoying the benefits.


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