SMILE Lyrics


Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic

It isn't any trouble

Just to S-M-I-L-E

It isn't any trouble

Just to S-M-I-L-E

So smile when you're in trouble,

It will vanish like a bubble

If you'll only take the trouble

to smile

It isn't any trouble

Just to ha-ha-ha-ha laugh

It isn't any trouble

Just to ha-ha-ha-ha laugh

So laugh when you're in trouble,

It will vanish like a bubble

If you'll only take the trouble

to laugh

It isn't any trouble

Just to G-R-I-N, grin

It isn't any trouble

Just to G-R-I-N, grin

So grin when you're in trouble

It will vanish like a bubble

If you'll only take the trouble

to grin

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