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Characteristics of ADHD Children: Find Out the Characteristics, Symptoms and Causes Here!

Before we discuss the characteristics of ADHD children, we will first discuss what is meant by ADHD itself. So, what is ADHD?

ADHD is a behavioral disorder that occurs in children in the form of an inability to concentrate their thoughts or pay attention to something. This can happen or appear due to a disturbed nervous system.

The characteristics of ADHD children can actually be identified by parents from an early age. It's just that some people are still not aware and understand that these symptoms are a sign that a child has ADHD.

Some of the characteristics of children experiencing ADHD that parents need to be aware of and know from an early age are as follows:

1. Likes to annoy others

Actually, every child likes to be nosy. However, children with ADHD usually have nosy habits that are quite annoying to the people around them because they cannot control their own emotions.

Children with ADHD can disturb others when people are talking or something else. They like to invite them to play but don't care what activities others are doing.

2. Can't wait

Children with ADHD have difficulty waiting. They really don't like to wait and indeed the hyperactivity condition makes them unable to wait. For example, waiting for their turn, waiting in line or waiting to play a game they won't be able to do it.

3. Always uneasily

Children with ADHD generally cannot sit still. If they have to be quiet, they will usually be restless and end up trying to play with what is around them or even run away.

It can also be that their over-activeness makes people around them who do not understand their condition disturbed. Some children can even harm others. Therefore, children with ADHD need special therapy and treatment.

4. Difficulty completing tasks

Curiosity, interest and attention in children with ADHD tend to be different at the same time. This is what characterizes children with ADHD and makes it difficult for them to focus and complete a task.

They tend not to be able to complete one new task and switch to another because their attention does jump. Tasks that need to be completed for a long time will also not be easy for children with ADHD to complete. In fact, it is very likely that they will not be able to complete it.

5. Difficulty focusing

A child with ADHD may have difficulty when asked to pay attention. This is because the nerves that work are not the same as normal people. When someone speaks directly, they can hear but they have difficulty repeating what they are listening to and if there are instructions, they will also have difficulties.

Even repeated instructions will be difficult for children with ADHD to follow. Therefore, if you want to give instructions, they must be repeated and should not be in a fast tempo so that they are easier to understand, even though they also find it difficult to grasp an understanding.

6. Tend to forget everything

If they have entered school age and are schooled in a special place, teachers will usually provide learning methods that are different from normal children's learning methods. Often even children with ADHD have trouble remembering things.

They can even forget what objects they are carrying and where they are going. Therefore, often children with ADHD experience the loss of objects or things.

Causes of ADHD in Children

Here are some possible causes of ADHD in children, including:

1. Genetic 

The risk of a person experiencing ADHD can be lowered. A person's risk of developing ADHD can also increase if there are family members who experience the same disease or experience other mental illnesses.

2. Environmental

Exposure to lead, which is easily found in paints, exposure to lead and harmful chemicals can cause ADHD. Therefore, those of you who live in mining areas, industrial areas and those who have houses near factories need to be vigilant.

3. Born prematurely

Premature birth or children born before the gestational age of 37 weeks complete with low birth weight are more likely to experience ADHD. Therefore, developmental consultation with a doctor is very necessary.

4. Illegal drugs

Pregnant women who consume illegal drugs, alcohol, methamphetamine and smoke during pregnancy have the potential to give birth to children with ADHD conditions. This can occur due to brain damage or injury due to exposure to dangerous substances in illegal drugs, alcohol or cigarettes consumed.

For treatment, how to educate and how to provide understanding to children with ADHD will certainly not be the same. Even the treatment with children with Down syndrome is also quite different.

Here is some information we can share about the characteristics of children with ADHD and the causes. We hope this information will enhance your understanding and knowledge.


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