How to Educate Children in the Digital Age

The digital age offers numerous benefits, such as easy access to information, knowledge, and communication. However, it also presents challenges. As a result, it is crucial for parents to understand how to guide their children through the complexities of the digital era.

In order for children to have positive growth and development, the right way of educating children is essential. Here we will provide complete information for you!

1. Be a good role model

We agree that parents are the first center of information for children. Therefore, children will usually adopt their parents' behavior.

Therefore, if parents want their children not to be addicted to gadgets, parents should also try to do the same. Don't get addicted to gadgets or use gadgets for too long in front of your children.

Even if parents work in front of gadgets, for example, parents must be able to convince children that what they are doing is for work. Or parents can give toys that resemble this and explain slowly that you are working. But if it is possible, stay away from gadgets when you are around children.

2. Don't soothe children's emotions with gadgets

Many parents feel emotional when their children are emotional or cry. In fact, children are creatures who are just learning. They learn many things in their golden years. Not only learning to walk and talk, but children also learn to recognize their own emotions.

Make sure that no matter how busy parents are, don't be bothered by children's emotions. Calm the child by giving him an explanation that what he is doing is not good. Avoid calming your child's emotions by giving them gadgets because this can affect the personality of children who are addicted to gadgets.

3. Limit your children's screen time

Set a limit on screen time for your children. According to experts and psychologists, screen time for children over 2 years old should be no more than 2 hours per day. The more time children spend in cyberspace, the greater the chance of addiction.

Even if children watch in a capacity of no more than 2 hours per day, make sure the material provided is also educational material. So don't give the material without supervision.

4. Teach your children to always ask for permission when installing apps.

If your children have started to understand about installing apps, make sure to inform them that when they want to install an app, they must install it with their parents' approval. That way parents can directly monitor and supervise what is installed on the child's gadget.

Also, make a check at certain times so that you can find out the browser history that your child often visits or sees.

You also need to educate your children to be obedient and responsible. If children are obedient to parents and educated with responsibility, it will certainly be easy for parents to direct children to do and or not do what parents command and prohibit.

5. Provide knowledge about privacy

If your children are already familiar with the world of social media, they may want to be like their friends who upload photos, videos or whatever. Provide knowledge to children about what can be shared and what should not be shared.

Educate them from an early age that not everything can be shared with others in cyberspace or the digital world.

6. Level of interaction

Make sure parents don't get too caught up with work when they have a baby. Finish work and take the time to deep talk with your child. Find out what the child is complaining about and listen to what the child wants to tell the parents.

That's the information we can share regarding how to educate children in the right digital era so that children can grow and develop with a good and positive personality. Hopefully what we say will be inspiring information and bring benefits.


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