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How to Improve Your Child's brain to Grow Smarter

In order for children's brain growth and development to be rapid, in addition to providing internal nutritional needs, external nutritional needs must also be met. Yes, there are several ways to improve children's brain abilities that parents should pay attention to.

By applying everything, the growth and development of the child's brain will be very rapid. Here we will review interesting and complete information for you regarding this matter.

 Let’s check these out!

1. Floor time

The first way to improve children's brain ability is to get closer to children through floor time or relaxing time between parents, both mothers or fathers and children.

If there is free time, parents can invite children to play explore various games that exist. For example, ancient games, hide and seek, ball games and so on.

Floor time can help children to interact more easily with others, starting from the people closest to them, in this case their parents.

2. Music

Introducing different types of music to children can help them recognize sounds, melodies and sounds. Children will learn about artistic creativity and make them feel happier.

Give music with a beautiful and harmonious rhythm to create a feeling of happiness in the child.

3. Introducing art to children

Apart from music, other arts such as drawing or painting can also be nurtured from an early age. Introducing and teaching art to children is believed to improve their memory, self-confidence and intelligence.

Several studies conducted by experts have even proven that children who learn art from an early age have a higher IQ (intellectual intelligence) level than other children who do not learn art from an early age.

They will also get better academic grades because their desire to learn has been formed early on.

4. Play exploring nature

Learning can be done anywhere. During the growth and development period from the age of 0 - 4 years, make sure you often invite your child to play outside. For example, take the child on an excursion in the backyard, take him to the zoo or park near the house.

He will see many new things there, then his brain will remember it as learning. You can show and mention all the things he wants to know, for example plants, animals, objects or whatever.

5. Reading fairy tales to children

Fairy tales are a collection of stories that contain human, plant or animal characters and contain moral messages in them. This moral message will be conveyed to children in a way that is not patronising so that it can explore their subconscious to think more critically when listening to fairy tales that are read.

Well, you can start inviting your child to read fairy tales or if he can't read on his own you can read fairy tales to him before bed.

In addition to fostering closeness with children, this method can also be one way to improve children's brain ability to grow into a quality and intelligent person.

6. Provide opportunities for children to develop their creativity

In the process of developing children's creativity naturally, try to give your child daily activities that can stimulate their imagination.

For example, you can give some simple tools such as empty boxes, crayons, stacking blocks, or whatever it is and let him explore all the tools according to his imagination.

Usually, the child will arrange it into cars, houses or whatever it is even though the shape is not perfect.

7. Helps hone children's emotional intelligence

In addition to intellectual intelligence that must be honed, emotional intelligence must also be honed from an early age. This is important because emotional intelligence is one of the factors that can support children's success both at school and in the world of work later.

Make sure that you try to help your child recognize and control their emotions. For example, if he falls, let him cry but give him an understanding that everyone who learns to walk will definitely fall.

Or when he collides with someone else, tell him that it was an accident, and he should start learning to apologize if he was the one who hit him. This method can make children learn to understand the conditions and situations around them and not prioritize their ego.

8. Appreciate your child's learning process

In the golden age of growth, children will make many mistakes such as spilling drinks, food, making dirty and so on. Be patient with the process.

Avoid trying to get results but appreciate the learning process. Avoid comparing your child's learning process with their peers. Make sure that during the learning process, you support your child so that they do not give up easily.

In the growth and development of children, parents do have a very big role. Therefore, make sure you try to provide love, attention and devote your full awareness to help your child grow better.


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