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The Dangers of Taking Antibiotics For a Long Time

In the modern era, antibiotics are indeed a powerful drug to kill disease-causing bacteria. However, if administered incorrectly, the dose is wrong, or often consumed repeatedly, it can have a fatal impact on the future health of the body, especially children.

Some of the adverse effects on children that arise from mistakes in taking antibiotics:

1. Bacterial Immunity to Antibiotics

When antibiotics are not taken in the right dose (excess, less, or wrong) it can lead to antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance, aka immunity to antibiotics, is the ability of bacteria to withstand the effects of drugs, as a result the bacteria do not die after administering antibiotics.

When someone is sick and given antibiotics, normally the bacteria will die from the drug. But in some cases, some bacteria will mutate and form immunity to antibiotics. These bacteria will then multiply, and create a colony of resistant bacteria, which can be transmitted to other individuals. Some of the ways bacteria develop resistance include:

  • Producing enzymes that can destroy antibiotics
  • Changes in the bacterial cell wall/membrane, so that the drug cannot enter
  • Changes in the number of drug receptors on bacterial cells, so the drug cannot bind to them

2. When you're sick, your body has to work extra hard to fight off the infection, 

When a bacterium is resistant to an antibiotic, it makes the antibiotic dysfunctional. This causes the disease to not be cured, and another type of antibiotic is needed for treatment.

3. Organ Disorders

The most common occurrence if taking antibiotics for a long period of time is digestive disorders in the form of nausea, diarrhea, cramps, and abdominal pain.

Other organ disorders that can occur are heart function disorders, kidney disorders, liver function disorders, bone marrow disorders, blood disorders and so on. Heart disorders are characterized by heart palpitations and headaches.

4. Allergies Arise

Some people will experience these symptoms, such as hives and swelling in the mouth and throat. Sometimes spots may also appear on the skin.

5. Impaired Immune System

Usually, the appetite will be reduced. Some body tissues such as the skin, mucous membranes and intestines are breeding grounds for microorganisms and bacteria that are good for the body. Long-term use of antibiotics can eradicate and inhibit the growth of these microorganisms. This will result in vitamin deficiencies in the body, especially vitamin K and B12. As a result, the condition will also impact the body's susceptibility to infectious diseases.

6. More Serious Disease Disorders Emerge

The use of antibiotics over a long period of time needs to be watched out for, because it can cause symptoms of more serious organ dysfunction. For example, impaired liver function, liver damage, decreased white blood cell production, impaired heart function, coma, swelling, irritation of the colon, and leakage of the intestine which can result in death.

What parents should do:

1. Prevent infection by maintaining good hygiene, regular washing, and vaccination.

2. Take antibiotics only if prescribed by a doctor or healthcare professional.

3. Always take antibiotics.

4. Never use leftover antibiotics.

5. Do not use antibiotics together with other people.

6. Use natural ingredients to prevent and cure illness.


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