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The Rabbit and The Farm Dog

 In a large cornfield, a farmer's dog was looking for rabbits that wandered off to eat. The dog was trained to chase rabbits when the corn was young. The corn leaves were often eaten by rabbits so that the corn plants could not grow well and if the plants did not grow well the corn harvest would also be greatly reduced, so the farmer put a trained dog on the plantation. Every day the dog roamed around checking the farmer's plantation for nuisance animals.

One morning, a dog awoke and strolled around the cornfield, using his keen sense of smell to detect other animals. His ability to pick up scents was so acute that he could even smell rabbits from a great distance. As he walked, he caught the scent of a rabbit and followed it until he spotted one nibbling on young corn shoots. Approaching stealthily, the dog was almost upon the rabbit when he lunged in a swift chase. However, the rabbit, with its long, sensitive ears, heard the dog's approach. It quickly dodged and leaped away, bounding far into the distance.

The dog continued to chase the rabbit even though the rabbit was getting further away from the dog, but the dog did not give up. The dog had the ability to run endlessly so he was able to chase the rabbit without getting tired. However, the rabbit was so fast jumping to avoid the dog's pursuit that the dog lost track of him, the dog began to sniff the rabbit's smell and soon he found the rabbit now he chased him faster than before, but the rabbit could not catch up with him until finally the dog gave up and did not chase the rabbit anymore. It turned out that the incident was watched by a crow that was perched on a tree whose leaves were falling.

As the dog passed the tree the crow asked him "That rabbit is faster than you" and the dog said calmly "Don't you see the difference between me and that rabbit?"

The raven replied, "I don't see the difference, what difference do you mean by that?" The dog replied, "I am running to catch food while he is running for his life, a desire will determine the rigour of an endeavour".

The lesson of this fable is that if we have a strong desire and spirit to realize what we want, then sooner or later it will definitely come true.


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