Unveiling History: The Founding of Rome in 753 BC


Did you know that the city of Rome was founded in 753 BC?

Rome is a famous city in Italy that has a very long history. It was founded a long, long time ago in 753 BC. Let’s find out what this means and why it’s so special!

What Does “Founded” Mean?

When we say a city was “founded,” it means that’s when people first started building and living in it. It’s like the beginning of the city’s story!

When Was Rome Founded?

  • Year 753 BC: Rome was founded in the year 753 BC. BC means “Before Christ,” which is a way to talk about time before Jesus was born. So, 753 BC is a very, very long time ago—over 2,700 years!

Who Founded Rome?

  • Romulus and Remus: According to a famous story, Rome was founded by two brothers named Romulus and Remus. They were raised by a wolf and later decided to build a city. Romulus became the first king of Rome, and the city was named after him.

Why is Rome Special?

  • Old City: Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world. It has many ancient buildings and ruins that people still visit today.
  • Important History: Rome was once the center of a powerful empire called the Roman Empire. It had a big influence on art, science, and government.

Fun Facts About Rome

  • The Colosseum: One of Rome’s most famous buildings is the Colosseum. It was a big arena where people watched exciting events like gladiator games.
  • The Roman Forum: The Roman Forum was the center of ancient Rome where people met and talked about important things.
  • The Vatican: In Rome, there’s a tiny country called Vatican City. It’s the center of the Catholic Church and the home of the Pope.

The city of Rome was founded in 753 BC, which is a very long time ago. It’s an old and special city with a lot of history and amazing buildings. Rome’s story is like a big adventure that has lasted for thousands of years!

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