The Biggest Living Thing: A Huge Fungus in Oregon

Did you know that the largest living organism on Earth is a fungus in Oregon's Malheur National Forest? It covers over 2,385 acres!

Imagine the biggest living thing on Earth. It’s not an enormous animal or a giant tree. It’s actually a huge fungus! This giant fungus is found in a place called Malheur National Forest in Oregon. Let’s explore more about this amazing giant!

What is a Fungus?

A fungus is a type of plant-like organism, but it’s not a plant. Mushrooms are a type of fungus that you might have seen. Fungi can live on trees, in the ground, or even inside other plants and animals.

The Giant Fungus

  • Size: This fungus is so big that it covers over 2,385 acres! That’s about the size of 1,800 football fields put together. It’s huge!
  • Location: This giant fungus lives in Malheur National Forest in Oregon, which is a forest full of trees and wildlife.

How Does This Fungus Grow?

  • Underground Network: Most of the fungus is underground, where it spreads out in a big network of tiny threads called mycelium. It looks like a big web under the soil.
  • Mushrooms: Sometimes, the fungus grows mushrooms on top of the ground. These mushrooms are just the part we see, while the rest is hidden below.

Why is This Fungus Special?

  • Biggest Living Thing: Even though it’s not the tallest or heaviest, this fungus is the largest living thing by area. It spreads out over a huge space!
  • Old and Wise: This fungus has been growing for thousands of years. It’s really old and has seen many seasons change.

Fun Facts About the Giant Fungus

  • Biggest in the World: No other living thing on Earth covers as much space as this fungus.
  • Living Together: The fungus helps trees and plants around it by sharing nutrients from the soil.

The largest living thing on Earth isn’t a giant animal or a huge tree—it’s a giant fungus in Oregon! It covers over 2,385 acres and is a fascinating part of nature. This enormous fungus shows how amazing and surprising the natural world can be!

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